3 Helpful habits - gifts for Christmas or anytime!

It’s been a fast year... here are habits clients and i have found Helpful:

Want to learn faster?.....

1. Reflect, reflect, reflect! πŸ’­

Ploughing ahead to the next thing can seem easier - but we more efficiently learn through reflection πŸ” (hence, my learning sessions end with a quiz!)

⏩ Rather than asking what you want for 2024 from a blank sheet, look back over 2023, creating columns on a sheet for a) what didn't work and b) what did πŸ‘ and c) where there are still gaps. Then start with using what worked to bridge the gaps. 

Lost time leading to broken habits or non-starters?....

2. A bit beats bailing! πŸ€

Perfectionism causes procrastination, as we postpone the risk of the imperfection and incomplete βœ‹. James Clear (author of Atomic Habits) says we're better to do some than none.

⏩ Break down tasks in advance and prioritise the most important part. Then when allocated time for a task is encroached - then at least do that part βœ”οΈ, so momentum isn't lost and it isn't harder to get started next time. 

Angry when people just assume you should do something?....

3. Overcome expectations and exit assumptions! 🎯

The Agreement vs Expectation principle is priceless! Especially when there's stress or resentment - this is a first place to look πŸ‘€. If something's not working then is there an expectation or assumption to rectify?

⏩ Ask 'Where's the agreement?' instead. No πŸ‘‰ finger-pointing necessary in 'Can we agree how this might work for us both?', only instigating an opportunity. 

Here's to helpful habits and learning to leverage your talents - and these habits can help us have a better festive break tooπŸŽ„! 

P.S. If you (or your team) need development for 2024, just get in touch and tell me about it... Or just have a whinge about what's not working πŸ˜‰ - I'm all ears! 

Your subject knowledge is vast, but I was amazed at how much time you had for hearing people speak and share, and yet you fitted everything in!
— Knowledge Manager, Medical School, attending advanced influencing and negotiation skills training