client spec

Just like a job specification, if you’re considering getting help to build confidence and feel more valued or to ensure your team do, then see if you recognise the following factors:

YOU’RE PROBABLY the type of person WHO IS

✔ Hard-working

✔ Conscientious

✔ Stressed sometimes

✔ Under-confident in some areas

✔ Unsure of how you’re thought of at work

✔ Unable to learn as much as you'd like on the job

✔ Sometimes feeling under-appreciated

✔ Curious to learn about yourself and getting on with others

✔ Needing more feedback about your strengths

✔ Lacking helpful feedback about where and how you can improve

✔ Not sure where to turn for the right plan of action

✔ Maybe working for a ‘strictly professional’ or impersonal boss

✔ Not the kind to make excuses for not taking action

✔ Keen for ways to make work easier

✔ Not wanting to be in the same situation in 3 months’ time

and if you’re a team manager you probably

✔ Would like to see the team working easily ‘in flow’ rather than pushing uphill

✔ Care how confident your team feel

✔ Feel that team members have individual strengths they don’t realise or don’t know how to use

✔ See how the team could benefit from hearing how much potential they have

✔ Know how a team which trusts each other gets things done faster

✔ Realise that you receive fewer interruptions from a confident and supportive team

✔ Notice how the team could learn so much more from each other

✔ Realise you can’t be the only person giving motivation all the time

✔ Think that the team would appreciate feeling more valued

✔ Don’t need to pigeon-hole people into ‘types’ but celebrate their unique qualities

✔ Suspect that the team would thrive if they knew how to value and motivate each other easily

✔ Don’t want ‘tick box’ training where everyone expects a magic fix

✔ Prefer something solid, yet simple, that the team grasps quickly

✔ Recognise that learning together doubles up as a team-building

✔ Would appreciate a happier, more resilient team, working noticeably more fluidly than other teams

✔ Consider this important for being productive, enjoying the week and helping everyone’s mental health

If bits of the above look, feel and sound familiar then…

And the next step is to…

OR get in touch by the details below …

and See how fast you feel more valued!