group coaching and workshop facilitation

Think, sit back and take part in a session tailored to you, drawing people out of comfort zones, un-picking tangles, feeling valued and seeing fresh choices.

The planning, creative ideas, structure and organising is taken care of and you can participate to get the outputs you need. Frequent 5 STAR feedback shows how even the most reluctant get on board!

And for walking workshops, click here.

Exactly what we needed and you expertly hand-held us to get to that point where everyone felt involved, important and moved forward, thank you!
— Social enterprise company director
It was incredibly useful! I always feel hesitant and unsure whether such sessions are actually going to help. But I wanted to say how wrong I was and how valuable I found it.
— Relationships manager - tech company

client stories:


When the housing management arm of a local authority needed to reassess priorities ahead of a stringent external audit:

The volunteer board of 8 needed to unite with a heightened focus, by developing their leadership and united front during a facilitated away day.

They adopted coaching techniques and gained a greater understanding of team dynamics and feeling valued.

They bonded more than usual, explored their strategic priorities and set clear ongoing actions, individually and as a united team.


When an international airport company was implementing their new company-wide financial reporting system:

11 Finance managers needed to generate ideas for leading changes, both within their teams and with internal customers.

After 2 days of facilitated idea-generating and learning, they better understood how to identify and use the psychology around resistance to change.

They could then implement more comprehensive internal communication required to support the system change and avoiding teams not feeling valued.


When two organisations needed to work together but were coming from different, sometimes obstructive, visions and cultures:

25 staff needed a uniting programme that would avoid not feeling valued, aid mutual understanding, boost learning and confidence.

They spent facilitated workshop time acknowledging skills and skill gaps, comparing strategic intentions, exploring needed actions, behaviours and accountability and examining resourcing and language patterns.

They fed back that ‘It brought energy to the conversation and was facilitated in a very lively and engaging way that made the whole room feel comfortable!’


When a college needed management training, but on a tight budget and nothing seemed available for their sector:

The diverse middle management team needed a bespoke facilitated programme. They were consulted on the design at every stage, regarding the learning approach, subject matter and how to avoid the team not feeling valued.

A 5-Pillar programme to up-skill them with limited time and budget, supporting them externally but being managed internally, had follow-through activities to embed learning.


When a property consulting firm needed to unite small teams across Europe and for them to pick up skills quickly:

17 staff needed a focused addition to their away day that was engaging, skill-building and feeling valued as a team and individually.

They experienced facilitator-led activities covering rapport-building and personal effectiveness and marketing psychology.

The animated selfies, a record of their workshop, showed the integration of cultures and energies.