OK Einstein!

Let’s talk gravity!

Ever get a day that just dishes out more downers as it goes on, almost free-falling?

Maybe it’s tech, people, slow-downs...and, no matter how you try, it just doesn’t come together 🚧?...

And with the sense of gravity ⬇⬇⬇, it’s weightier and hard to claw a way out?

So how do we stop it weighing us down 🕵?

Here’s a 3-part Parachute to stop ✋ the free-fall:

1. Ask for help

Some of the most confident and capable don’t easily ask ❔ for help.

Asking brings info: Even if not immediately problem-solving, it gives a sense of progress 📈, in becoming equipped - and maybe reassurance that we aren’t missing the obvious.

PLUS it's reassuring, we're heard 👂 and supported.

2. Get distracted

Pushing at a problem, overthinking an issue or regurgitating recent events doesn't help, but re-enforces bad feeling, limiting solution-finding. So, STOP! ...

...distraction shifts the brain’s focus 💡...

Whether it’s going for a walk/run, the gym, food shopping 🛒, proof-reading a document, filing, clearing out the Inbox, or finding funnies online.

And movement shifts energy faster 🏃 - even simply putting the kettle on.

3. Connect

We Co-Regulate (or ‘reset’ if you like) by connecting with others...

Doing/arranging something rewarding with others 👱👩, be it grabbing a coffee or calling a favourite person, rebalances the nervous system and brain (a 2-4-1 with point 1!) 


If you’re asking ‘How do I overcome overwhelm?’ then, no need for science, just stop 🚫 the free-fall and start using what works!

📩 Get in touch, explaining a current issue and use me - for kickstart prompts (an Ask-Distract-Connect combo!) 🚀